The book
Attachment Disturbances in Adults: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair (2016)
Daniel P. Brown, PhD, and David S. Elliott, PhD
With contributions by: Paula Morgan-Johnson, Paula Sacks, Caroline R. Baltzer, James Hickey, Andrea Cole, Jan Bloom, and Deirdre Fay.
Winner of the 2018 Pierre Janet Writing Award from the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD)
From the Publisher’s description of the book:
Attachment Disturbances in Adults is a landmark resource for mental health professionals. In clear, accessible writing, it provides for (1) understanding attachment, its development, and the most clinically relevant findings from attachment research, and for (2) using this understanding to inform systematic, comprehensive, and clinically effective and efficient treatment of attachment disturbances in adults.
It offers an innovative therapeutic model and set of methods — the Three Pillars — for treating adult patients with dismissing, anxious-preoccupied, or disorganized attachment. In rich detail, it integrates historical and leading-edge attachment research into practical, effective treatment protocols for each type of insecure attachment. Case transcripts and many sample therapist phrasings illustrate how to apply the methods in practice.
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